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Tag: mcdonalds

March 15, 2014

McDonalds Newspaper Ads

by Webmaster
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I guess this is what they did before they put the clown on TV.

July 8, 2010

McDonalds to CSPI re: Happy Meals- STFU

by Webmaster
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CSPI threatened to sue McDonalds because they said that the company giving toys to children was akin to “the effect of conscripting America’s children into an unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth marketers.”

To which McDonalds replied:

“Internet sites, blogs and network surveys suggest that public opinion is running overwhelmingly against your premise,” McDonalds CEO Jim Skinner wrote. “Our customer websites and phone lines at McDonald’s are also busy, with more than nine out of 10 customers disagreeing with your agenda.”

“CSPI is wrong in its assertions, and frivolous in its legal threats,” Skinner said, calling the group’s claims “over-the-top rhetoric.”
“CSPI’s twisted characterization of McDonald’s as ‘the stranger in the playground handing out candy to children’ is an insult to every one of our franchisees and employees around the world,” Skinner wrote. “When CSPI refers to America’s children as ‘an unpaid drone army,” you similarly denigrate parents and families, because they are fully capable of making their own decisions. You should apologize.”

“Parents, in particular, strongly believe they have the right and responsibility to decide what’s best for their children, not CSPI,” he wrote. “It’s really that simple.”

Wow, way to stand up for yourselves McDonalds. No restaurant in the fast food industry has done more to lead the way in providing healthy food than McDonalds. McDonalds introduced salads and their competitors scrambled to compete. Ditto with fruit cups and apple sticks. CSPI, who are all a bunch of vegan kooks should just shut up.

June 23, 2008

Move Over Jared. The McDonalds Diet is Better Than the Subway Diet

by Webmaster
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And this should also be a poke to the eye of all those haters out there that think McDonalds is evil, like Morgan Spurlock. The company feeds more people than the United Nations, and its healthier than anything provided by the UN too. You can even lose weight eating there, as proven by Chris Coleson from Virginia.

From the AP here:

A Virginia man lost about 80 pounds in six months by eating nearly every meal at McDonald’s. Not Big Macs, french fries and chocolate shakes. Mostly salads, wraps and apple dippers without the caramel sauce.

Chris Coleson tipped the scales at 278 pounds in December. The 5-foot-8 Coleson now weighs 199 pounds and his waist size has dropped from 50 to 36.
The 42-year-old businessman from Quinton says he chose McDonald’s because it’s convenient.

Coleson says his goal is to get back to the 185 pounds he weighed when he married Tricia Summer. Their 10th anniversary is Saturday.

Now the question is- Will McDonald’s try to capitalize on this man’s success to market its fresh food?

March 28, 2008

The McNuggetini

by Webmaster
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This looks totally gross, but if you are already tipsy after coming home from the bar and have the munch, this may be the perfect drink for you.

The ingredients is Chocolate shake, vodka, glass rimmed with McDonald’s barbecue sause and chicken nugget for garnish. I’m too scared to try it. But it looks oddly yummy.

The full post is here at Georgiaisyourfriend by way of SoGood.

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