December 4, 2012

I Want This Nifty Tie Flask

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Hate having to wear a tie everyday at work? Ever feel like you need to sneak a drink? Then this would be the perfect tie for you! Its a flask hidden into a common necktie.

From the DailyMail here:

Baxdo, the company responsible for creating the tie, sells the tie using the slogan, ‘The FlaskTie is a fashion statement of thirst quenching proportions.’
Ray Couch, from AG Distribution Ltd in the UK, who sell the FlaskTie, said: ‘This is the only tie in the world which doubles as a flask, it’s completely unique.

‘The FlaskTie adds to the need of an every day object and is also a bit of a giggle at the same time.

‘We think British people are renowned for being big drinkers so adding an alcoholic connotation to something like a tie should go down really well.

November 25, 2012

You Can’t Have This Anymore

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Bacon-wrapped Twinkie for the win! But thanks to greedy union members, Twinkies will go away or likely be made in China now.

Via Nerdalicious

October 26, 2012

Armageddon Beer Stronger Than Whiskey

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130 Proof. Its 50 bucks per bottle and is freeze-brewed to get the high alcohol content.

From OddityCentral here:

Appropriately named Armageddon, the new beer from Scotland’s Brewmeister Brewery will probably end your days if you drink too much of it. The potent concoction has an alcohol content of 65% by volume. That’s stronger than vodka or whiskey.

Although the Guinness Book of Records has yet to certify Armageddon as the world’s strongest beer, that hasn’t stopped Brewmeister from slapping the unofficial title on the label. And who can blame them, after all, that’s what makes their drink so special. Company co-founder, Lewis Shand says Armageddon “is closer to a liquor than a beer, but it is classified as a beer and we are pleased with it.” He added that “it delivers a supersonic-charged explosion and delivers the drinker to Drunksville”. That’s probably why Brewmeister’s brewers have cautioned that the beer should be sipped and served in small doses.

I’ll take a shot or two of that.

September 20, 2012

African Coca-Cola Delivery

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This is a replica of a Coke delivery truck from Africa on display at Disney’s EPCOT. Refreshment for the African outposts.

August 23, 2012

Thirsty Darth Vader Legos

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Some things cannot be overcome by a mastery of the Force- like the taste of Guinness.

August 6, 2012

Martini at Rosy Tomorrows

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Hanging out in Connecticut at a cute pub called Rosy Tomorrows. The martinis are wonderful, the food fantastic and the staff friendly and fun.

July 30, 2012

BBQ in a Bag

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BBQ in a Bag, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

I think it’s unspeakably cruel to advertise a bag of fall-off-the-bone ribs on a bag full of simple potato chips. It’s 2012. Isn’t it time we have BBQ spareribs available in the checkout line?

July 14, 2012

Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale by Rogue Ales

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This beer is a tall glass of WTF. Bacon and maple syrup flavored beer? Well why the hell not?

Rogue Ale’s website is here. They describe it as:

Rogue Ales has collided with Voodoo Doughnut to create Bacon Maple Ale! This unique artisan creation contains a baker’s dozen number of ingredients including bacon and maple syrup from one of Voodoo’s signature doughnuts.

June 28, 2012

Parenting and the CoronaRita Doesn’t Mix

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Parenting and the CoronaRita Doesn’t Mix, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

Im sitting at a very sad Chili’s in California and saw an ad for a Frankensteinian drink called the CoronaRita. the ad purports that you love a Margarita so much you’d buy it a beer.
Not sure why you’d pose with your kid while you’re downing this tho?

June 27, 2012

Pablano Stuffed Peppers

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Pablano Stuffed Peppers, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

Got this fantastic dish while staying down at Hot Tamales on Santana Row. Poblano pepper is stuffed with shredded chicken and melted Monterey cheese. Absolutely delicious!

June 27, 2012

My Favorite Poem

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Saw this on a menu board.

June 26, 2012

Gay Oreos Taste Like Shit

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Kraft Foods, the maker of Oreo cookies put out a promotional poster celebrating gay pride.

And of course the gooey insides are covered with brown stuff, so yeah, oreos are kinda gay. Never thought about it before. Thanks, Kraft.

June 19, 2012

Grey Goose is the Devil

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Grey Goose is the Devil, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

The blood red Vodka is just a trick of the light at Citrus in Hotel Valencia on Santana Row in San Jose. And it is even more the devil if you drink more than one of these in a single sitting.

June 16, 2012

Burning Squid Sperm

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In the Western World, squid is prepared by cutting off the beak and turning the critter inside out like a sock, and dumping all its internal organs out. Not so in Korea. A woman there bit into a cooked squid and live sperm cells spurted into her mouth. Bad, yeah, but squid sperm has hooks that shoot out to attach to tissue. The woman was in loads of pain.

From ABCNews here:

A semi-cooked squid inseminated a woman’s mouth, according to a paper published in the Journal of Parasitology. After experiencing “severe pain in her oral cavity” when she bit into her seafood, the woman spit out her meal, but continued to feel a lingering “pricking” sensation.
Doctors found that the 63-year-old woman had “small, white spindle-shaped bug-like organisms” lodged in the mucous membrane of her tongue, cheek and gums.

Despite having been boiled, the dead squid’s live spermatophores, or sperm sacks, were alive and penetrated the woman’s mouth. The sacks, which contain ejaculatory devices, forcefully release sperm and a “cement” that attaches the sperm to a wall.


June 14, 2012

Pepe’s Wings and Guacamole

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I picked up these Cuban wings with Mojo sauce and guacamole with plantain chips at a Cuban Restaurant in Key West. Absolutely Divine.

June 2, 2012

Sully’s Grilled Cheeseburger

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Sully’s Grilled Cheeseburger, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

This is like a normal cheeseburger but instead of a bun, the patty is sandwiched betwixt two grilled cheese sandwiches. This is on the menu at Sullys in Chantilly, VA

May 30, 2012

Axl Rose Loves Cheeseburgers

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Take Axl down to the very last city with a bypass surgeon who can install a stint.

Thanks to DuckDuckGrayDuck

May 3, 2012

Awesome Women’s Service

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Awesome Women’s Service, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.

Feel like eating out? Or did you bring your lunch box?
Is this the most awesome sign for a women’s spa or what?

April 12, 2012

Burger King’s Bacon Sundae?

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Two things that Burger King does poorly, combined into one! Crappy soft serve, drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with a limp piece of bacon? Hmm, no thanks.

From the DailyMail here:

Now Burger King have come up with an eye-watering rival product of their own that combines sweet and savoury: the Bacon Sundae.
Stomach-crunching: The new Burger King Bacon Sundae, which will go on sale in stores in Nashville, Tennessee
The new product by the fast food giant boasts vanilla ice cream, slathered in fudge sauce and topped with chunks of cooked rashers of salty bacon.
It is currently being tested in Burger King, Nashville, Tennesse, but its popularity will be measured in a selection of their stores across the city to gauge appetite for the product.
The $2.49 dessert is one of a series of new releases by the chain, including sweet potato fries, Caesar salads and strawberry and banana smoothies.

April 12, 2012

Hot Dog Pizza Crust? Thanks Pizza Hut!

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Not sure why we need this. But pizza hut is known for its Frankensteinian creations.

From the DailyMail here:

Nutritionists have slammed Pizza Hut’s invention as ‘completely unnecessary’, warning that the increased levels of salt and saturated fat will make it more unhealthy than a standard pizza.
The retailer has decided to roll out the stomach-swelling offering in the UK instead of the US market.
British pizza lovers will be able to order the dish for delivery only, for the next six weeks.
Since Pizza Hut became the first company to stuff their crusts, there have been a string of copycat varieties, including those with cheese, BBQ, cheesy bite versions and even the garlic bread stuffed crust.

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