August 28, 2013
Shawarma Mortal Kombat: Slinging the Goods
This guy’s got some talent. But what the hell is shawarma? An Indian burrito?
August 23, 2013
August 22, 2013
Pappas Bros Meat Display
Pappas Bros Meat Display, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.
In Houston, I got a chance to eat at Pappas Bros. Steakhouse. This is a glorious panorama of the meats they had on display. I chose the 16 OZ ribeye and barely managed to finish it. What a wonderful meat eater’s paradise!
August 20, 2013
Hydrating Beer to Eliminate Hangovers?
Electrolytes. Its what plants crave. And hungover people.
From Australiantimes here:
SAY goodbye to the dreaded Monday morning hangover, thanks to researchers from a Queensland university who have discovered it may be possible to improve the hydrating effects of beer.
Since the beginning of time, it seems sipping on a frosty cold beer has been a necessity on a scorching hot day. This can be counter-intuitive at times, given alcohol actually increases dehydration and leads to drunkenness, risky behavior and eventually, the hangover. However, researchers from Griffith University’s Health Institute may have answered every Australians prayers. They have found that by adding electrolytes, a common ingredient found in sports drinks, and reducing the alcohol content could make a beer more refreshing than ever.
As part of the study the Institute manipulated the electrolyte levels of two commercial beers, one that was regular strength and one that was light. They then gave those two beers to volunteers who had been heavily exercising just before consumption to test their fluid recovery.
The study showed that the light beer that had been combined with electrolytes was one third more effective at hydrating a person than a regular beer. The best news for beer drinkers was that the taste of the modified beverages didn’t change.
Or, you could just drink Gatorade. Or put a little salt in the foamy head of the beer. Its cheaper, keeps the alcohol, and provides a natural electrolyte to replenish losses that occur when drinking.
August 15, 2013
Pepsi Flavored Cheetos: Dream or Nightmare?
Those Japanese are always ahead of the curve with bizarre snack foods. They have created a version of Cheetos that fizzes in your mouth.
From the LATimes here:
Pepsi-flavored Cheetos are one of the newest snack flavors to hit shelves in Japan.
According to an early product review on the Impulsive Buy, Pepsi-flavored Cheetos replace that classic cheese flavor with a fizzy cola flavor that actually fizzes in your mouth.
“The first sensation, which I did not expect, was a very acidic bite,” wrote Impulse Buy writer Steve. “It tries to capture the citrus notes of Pepsi, but it’s over the top. Too lemony. The sweeter cola flavor is there but it’s subtler and overpowered by the intense citrus.”
Replacing the cheese with a malloc acid lemony fizz? Eeewwww. What do you think? Good idea or bad?
August 13, 2013
July 26, 2013
Its 2013. They Finally Re-Engineered the Bottle Opener
Meet the Gropener. Oh yes, I want one.
July 3, 2013
Concern Over Trucker Quickly Changes
Weeing a car accident conjures up feelings of pity for the driver and concerns for health and safety. At least, until other more tragic victims are spotted.
June 11, 2013
Eeewww: Canned Wine
This decision might explain why French wines are losing to American Varietals- they want to sell them in a can.
From French24 here:
Canned wine has been proven to work in markets like Japan and Germany. A French start-up wants to replicate this success in France, a country where tinned wine is virtually unheard-of, in a bid to “democratise the sale of quality wine”.
Purists will wince. A French start-up hopes to revolutionise wine consumption in France by selling produce from quality-assured vineyards – in tin cans.
May 21, 2013
May 16, 2013
April 22, 2013
April 13, 2013
This Looks Yummy
Bacon wrapped fries ?
— Men's Thoughts (@Males_Thoughts) April 13, 2013
January 20, 2013
Beer Poetry FTW
Thanks to Dan for this tweet:
I love poetry! This is the sign at the Fork and Cork in Gainesville.
— Daniel Kelley (@Danpkelley) January 20, 2013
January 18, 2013
Captain Tony’s Hoarder Ceiling
Captain Tony’s Hoarder Ceiling, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.
The ceiling of Captain Tony’s Saloon in Key West is cluttered with memorabilia, old dollar bills, photos, business cards and bras. Just keep your beer covered to keep the dust from falling in it.
January 18, 2013
One of Each, Please
One of Each, Please, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.
Hanging out at the Porch in Key West. Great wine, rare brews and perhaps a few ghosts in this historic building to keep you company while you imbibe.
January 2, 2013
December 20, 2012
Drunken Caped Invader
The people who wrote this letter seem much more understanding about a drunken home invasion than I would be. Drunk dude breaks into home wearing a cape and winds up urinating on the carpet and couch. Some people just call that Thursday.
Via DailyMail here.
December 10, 2012
Old Timers With Fish
Old Timers With Fish, a photo by BelchSpeak on Flickr.
I love old photos of guys hanging out at saloons and taverns. I swiped this photo from a pub wall in San Carlo, CA using my genius scan app. It wasn’t until I really examined the photo that I realized that one dude is holding a pair of fish in one hand and a beer in the other.
So here’s to you, Mr. Take your fish to a bar. Well played, friend.
December 10, 2012
Japanese Prove Beer Staves Off Infections
Good news for those beer drinkers- an ingredient in hops may stave off bacteria that causes pneumonia and other illnesses according to a study by Sapporo, a beer maker in Japan.
From the DC here:
Consuming large quantities of a key ingredient in beer can protect against winter sniffles and even some serious illnesses in small children, a Japanese brewery said citing a scientific study.
A chemical compound in hops, the plant brewers use to give beer its bitter taste, provides an effective guard against a virus that can cause severe forms of pneumonia and bronchitis in youngsters, Sapporo Breweries said Wednesday.In research with scientists at Sapporo Medical University, the compound — humulone — was found to be effective in curbing the respiratory syncytial (RS) virus.
And I’m no doctor, but the women in this photo look VERY healthy to me.