Of Course the Chinese Grind Up Their Aborted Girls
One of the most unbelievable and disgusting things I’ve read is this story by the Daily Mail how the Chinese are grinding up aborted children due to their one-child policy and selling the flakes as pill form as “stamina enhancers.”

From the Mail here:
Thousands of pills filled with powdered human flesh have been discovered by customs officials in South Korea.
The capsules are in demand because they are viewed as being a medicinal ‘cure-all’. The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.
The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves. Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummelled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.
Chinese officials are understood to have been aware of the trade and have tried to stop the capsules being exported but thousands of packets of them have been smuggled through to South Korea.
Its not really a surprise to me that a culture that eats tiger penis for power would find a use for ground-up aborted baby girls. I just can’t believe that they have found a market to export this stuff.