
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Alpaca Attacks in UK up 10000%

LOL, this does not bode well for Alpaca farmers.

From the Sun here:

A FARMER was airlifted to hospital after becoming the first person in Britain to be attacked by an ALPACA.
Prize-winning alpaca farmer Rob Rawlins was preparing to shear the shaggy beast on Saturday morning when it sank its teeth into his lower left arm.

It took three colleagues to prise the male’s jaws apart and free Mr Rawlins from its grip at Wellground Alpaca Stud Farm in Bratton, near Westbury, Wilts.

Alpacas are known to be very docile animals and don’t normally bite, in fact, this may be the first alpaca bite recorded in 14 years.

These suckers don’t look like they have more than 3 big teeth, but I suppose it would be bad form to just walk up to these fluffy critters and hug them. And can a single occurence count for a 10000 percent increase in frequency? I love statistics.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Alpaca Attacks in UK up 10000%

  • The report does not mention what the farmer was trying to do to the Alpaca to provoke this attack 😉

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