
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

HumorStupid People

A Duck, Lizard, Wolf, Cougar, Gray Squirrel and a Border Collie

No, those aren’t the list of animals at the local zoo or nature park. Its the types of Furry Costumes this degenerate freak owns and keeps in his closet. I guess when the first six plushie costumes get covered in geesh at the bottom of the furpile, he can always toss the Ram suit on and keep on Yiffing.

The Furcon is in Pittsburgh. If you are a resident of Pittsburgh, get your flame thrower. Its definitely Wabbit Season. Watch the video here to feel your brain get eaten alive by carpenter ants.

From KDKA here:

Furry Enthusiasts Back In ‘Burgh For Convention

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ? If you’ve seen animals roaming the streets of Pittsburgh, there’s no need to worry, it’s just that thousands of furry enthusiast have returned to town for their annual meeting at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.

Like any other conference, the Anthrocon Convention features workshops, panel discussions and vendors, but the attendees … they dress like animals.

This is the third year the convention has come to Pittsburgh.

“Coming to a convention like this, I actually feel like I’m coming home where I can be myself around others who have similar ideas,” said Monica Huffaker, of Scranton. “

So who the hell is Monica Huffaker? Well, strike one, she’s a furry. Strike two, she loves perverted manga and anime according to her godforsaken amazon wishlist here. And strike three, she is the operations manager at a new age “spiritual guidance” shop in Scranton, PA. Her loser trifecta is complete.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

8 thoughts on “A Duck, Lizard, Wolf, Cougar, Gray Squirrel and a Border Collie

  • To Be Fair

    On the other hand, you’re making fun of furries (so seven years ago) and linking to Encyclopedia Dramatica (so full of unfunny).

    That pretty much guarantees you automatically fail at life forever. Here’s your sign.

  • You came to this blog from a Technorati referral on the keyword search of “Furries.” That makes you pretty much a furfag. Making fun of furries is an eternal sport until you all yiff in hell.

    And telling people “here’s your sign?” Yeah, that’s real timely and topical humor.

  • No, seriously. Making fun of furries is so seven years ago and only demonstrates you are nothing more than ten pounds of epic fail in a five pound bag. That’s not my problem, it’s yours. By all means do go on parroting your histrionic and hackneyed catchphrases and continue to prove me right.

    In short, you’re not really in a position to talk to anyone about humor until you can learn to be funny yourself.

  • I fail to see the validity of your argument against this post. Your point that laughing at furries is outdated?

    Stop reverse trolling me or you will get banned. to Quote ED, which is an authority on the lowlifes like yourself that enjoy teabagging each other while dressed like mascot rejects,

    Furries, who have been the victims of troll-based warfare for many years, have sometimes attempted to turn the tables on their tormentors and strike back.

    So take your furgotry elsewhere and complain of being butthurt.

  • At first, this upset me quite a bit, now I have to laugh.. And thank you “Pat.”

    I am the Monica Huffaker that you have so mentioned here in your little Trolling here. And I’ve very proud of the mask in that photo. Thank you for using that particular image, I think it caught my good side. *smiles*

    I admit, at first I was pretty upset by your description of my friends and myself, but I have to be amused, now, at your childish attempt to insult people who obviously have better things to do with their time then you.

    You want to know who I am? Yes, I am a manager of a Holistic and Esoteric shop called Seasons of Gaia, a shop I am proud to work at. Besides being a Furry, I am also a member of the SCA and quite regularly do Medieval Reenactment and work to teach people lessons from History that you cannot normally learn in History Class. On top of this, I aid my mother, a local PAO for one of Pennsylvania’s Civil Air Patrol groups. I am also an artist, and have been since I could pick up a pencil and hold it properly.

    My mother is also a Disabled Vet, having been part of the Air Force, as well as a Diabetic.

    You see… Furries are no different from anyone else. Lots of them are Doctors or Lawyers. There are Furries in every walk of life..

    My question is, Why do you have to insult another group of people to make yourself feel better.

    Out of the Furry Fan-dom, only 10% are Fursuiters. Of that percentage, only about 5% are sexual deviants. The rest of us are pretty normal.

    What does it matter if some of us, IE Myself, Like to read or draw Yaoi?

    I take it you’re a Southern Baptist, Born again Bible Belter, aren’t you?

    See, what I just did.. is what You are doing. Lumping a group of people into a StereoType. I know not all people who are Southern Baptist or who’re born in the Bible belt are bad people, damn.. I dated one for 10 years, he had no problem with who and what I am..

    So.. why must you stereotype us?

  • Loser

  • What Monica’s trying to say is that your neighbor, or your doctor, could in fact be a furry.

    OH NOES.

    Hey, at least there’s no Godwin’s Law action here yet.

  • The difference is that if a Doctor or my neighbor went on TV talking about the glories of yiffing, they cannot then act surprised that they lose patients, or be stunned if everyone in the neighborhood thinks they are disgusting whackjobs. Like Monica.

    And the Godwin’s law usually requires more flaming in the comments than this. 😉

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