
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeMoviesStupid People

Snipes Goes to Jail

Daniel Meachum, pictured below at the right, has now represented another black celebrity right into a jail cell. First he gave Mike Vick outstanding legal advice and now he put up a brilliant defense for Wesley Snipes.

From the AP here:

Wesley Snipes called on famous friends to vouch for him, highlighted his clean criminal record and even wrote the government $5 million in checks — all in an effort to convince a judge that his conviction on tax charges should cost him nothing more than home detention and some public service announcements.

None of it worked. The “Blade” actor was ordered to do hard time. Snipes was sentenced to three years in prison Thursday for failing to file tax returns.

Snipes’ lawyers had spent much of the day in court offering dozens of letters from family members, friends — even fellow actors Woody Harrelson and Denzel Washington — attesting to his good character.

But U.S. District Judge William Terrell Hodges said Snipes exhibited a “history of contempt over a period of time” for U.S. tax laws.

Snipes apologized. “I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance.”

Defense attorney Daniel Meachum said Snipes was unfairly targeted for prosecution because he’s famous.

So to sum up, Snipes’ lawyer provided letters from a stupid actors and claimed “everyone else was doing it.” Brilliant work, counselor.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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