
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberPiratesStupid People

Pirate Bay Wants to Buy Sealand

Earlier this month, I noted that Sealand, the tiny rusting platform off the coast of the UK was up for sale. Well, there’s a buyer now, the software piracy site Pirate Bay. It turns out that I woefully underestimated my price for a steel platform that is rusting away. The current owner of Sealand has put a 2 Billion Dollar pricetag on the platform.

From the AFP here:

STOCKHOLM (AFP) – The Pirate Bay, one of the world’s most popular websites for the illegal downloading of films through filesharing, has said it wanted to buy its own island in a bid to avoid copyright laws.

The group said it would consider any territory in international waters to avoid copyright legislation.

For Pirate Bay it would be awesome to have no copyright law. All countries today are based on the old economy and old ideas and we want to do something new,” he added.

On Friday the group established a website — — as a discussion forum and to raise funds to buy Sealand, a former British naval platform and self-proclaimed principality six miles (10 kilometres) off the eastern coast of Britain.

No country recognizes Sealand.

“We would love Sealand because its history is perfect for us as pirate radio used to be broadcast from there. If we don’t get enough money for Sealand we are going to try for a small island somewhere,” Peter said.

Pirate Bay was undeterred by Sealand’s two-billion-dollar price tag.

Never mind that Pirate Bay has not let anyone in on this “new economy” they are dreaming up. These idiots believe that “data wants to be free, man!” But they need to read their history and remember that Pirates get hanged.

DanBruno thinks that the MPAA will buy a jet with a few missiles and put their filesharing days in Davy Jones’ locker. My money is on the MPAA.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Pirate Bay Wants to Buy Sealand

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