Reason 179 and 180 to Homeschool
Ugly Twin Teachers won’t tag-team love crimes on your child.
Yeah these twin teachers don’t have a hair-club for men’s membership, but they do both have criminal records. They were both teachers at Lakeside High School. One was busted pushing lesbian love onto an underage student, and the other watched, and failed to report it as a child abuse crime, which is a requirement of law in California.
You can read about their arrest here.
I was pointed to this story by Fark, and in the messageboards, they do point out some shocking resemblances.
The Twin Grady girls from the Shining
Or Lursa and B’Etor from the House of Duras
Oh yeah, this page here lists 99 other sex crimes by female teachers. Make no mistake, kid-touching teachers are an epidemic right now, and it will dwarf any damage done by Catholic priests.