
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

RoPStupid People

More Proof That Africa is Hell on Earth

You have to hand it to Africans.  They find more and more inventive and creative ways to kill themselves.  A kooky slimebag African dictator by the name of Yahya Jammeh, of the Gambia river delta, is claiming that he has a miracle cure for AIDS and HIV.  This top secret formula consists of bananas, peanuts, dirt and false hopes.

Ted Turner Loves African dictators that cure AIDS

One of the few times I quote Al Jazeera with thanks to S&L for the tip:

Welcome to Gambia. Land of sun, sea, sand and a president who cures Aids.

Yahya Jammeh is commander in chief of the armed forces, secretary of state for defence and chief custodian of the sacred constitution of Gambia. Now he is a self-styled miracle worker. He claims that he has a “mandate”, handed down by his father, to cure Aids – as long as it is on a Thursday.

“I get rid of the virus from the body of the human being and that’s what I do,” he says.

“I feel a great burden, a big sense of responsibility … There are people that come in a very bad condition. Knowing that they only have their hope in me, is a big burden. Morally, spiritually and psychologically.”

Jammeh has ruled Gambia since seizing power in a military coup in 1994. He was 26 years old at the time.

Like other countries on the continent, Aids looms large in Gambia. About 20,000 people here have HIV, the virus which leads to Aids.  Since January, when Jammeh revealed his mandate to cure, he has spent every spare minute healing his people.

Outside Statehouse, the president’s home, people wait for hours in the heat until he is ready to see them.

Jammeh’s treatment programme uses a secret concoction of ointments, herbs, bananas, peanuts and prayer.  Before a patient can receive the presidential treatment for HIV/Aids, they must agree not to take conventional anti-retroviral drugs.
During the treatment, Jammeh takes on the role of doctor – sprinkling the conversation with questions about stomach pains and toilet habits.  A greyish liquid made with herbs in an old water bottle is rubbed into the patient before the final stage of the treatment.

Jammeh insists that his recipe remain a secret.

“Whether African, Asian or somebody from space, an alien, I will not give it to them. Coca-Cola will not give their recipe to anybody, whether American or non-American.”

The Gambia is 95% Muslim.  African Muslims have already rejected international aid in the form of polio vaccines because they fear that it is a plot from the west to make them sterile.  Are they rejecting AIDS/HIV too for religious reasons?  These people are barbaric in their backwards beliefs.  This is about as funny as breast ironing.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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