Spitzer asks “What’s in Your Luggage?”
I can’t believe 2018 is almost over and slimebag former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer is in the news again. It has something to do with how he transported his hookers.
From the NYPost here:

I guess her kept her in the luggage cuz his wife wouldn’t let his whores just walk in the front door.Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer used to smuggle his Russian-escort mistress into the luxury Upper East Side home he shared with his wife — by stuffing her inside a piece of luggage, she told The Post.
“He used to sneak me into his Fifth Avenue apartment in a black suitcase . . . when his wife was away,’’ Svetlana Travis Zakharova told The Post in an exclusive interview.
“My knees would be up by my face. When the doorman would ask if he could help, Eliot would say, ‘No, thanks.’ ”