
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Took a While, But Roseanne is Still Crazy

Roseanne Barr is still batshit crazy. Everyone was surprised when she came out as an avid Trump supporter, but I remember how she dressed up as Hitler for a magazine and burned gingerbread Jews in an oven. It was a joke, you see. Then she tried to run for President for the Green party on the platform of stripping bankers of their wealth and having them executed. No really.

So the shoe finally dropped today on Twitter when she compared the despicable Valerie Jarret of the Obama administration to a lovechild of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes. That didn’t sit well with ABC/Disney so they promptly fired her and cancelled her show. The right wingers went nuts, having forgotten that Roseanne had always been crazy, while left wingers celebrated taking the scalp of anyone famous who likes Trump.

Im here to remind everyone that nothing of value was lost.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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