
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


New Common Core Math

As a Conservative, I was supposed to be against the Common Core Curriculum here in Florida. The reading is far more advanced and demanding and my 2nd grader is having to already add 4 digit numbers together and make sure he carries the overages into the tens, hundreds and thousands columns. I was against it until I saw that my kid was getting it! Of course, I helped every night with math, showing him how too get his results without adding the stupid blocks together and doing memorization of his math tables- you know, like you did in the ’70’s. And to my surprise, not only was my kid getting it, he was doing really well with the new lessons. His report card today for the 2nd grade showed an A for his math. Makes a Dead proud!

But there are still a few questions on the tests that make a kid scratch his head. This was one:

If the teacher didn’t grade this answer correctly, she should be fired!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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