
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberfailStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

Security Bigmouth Gets Fired From Own Company

When you work for someone or form a business with others and then go around wildly claiming that you can make airplanes fall from the sky by the skills of your own hacking prowess, you shouldn’t be surprised if those lies get you fired. Chris Roberts, who I blog about here and here, finally got ejected from his own company he co-founded.


The fallout from his bullshit hacking claims continues to impact his company’s ability to make cashflow. They already lost investor funding which forced 12 employees out the door, and without new business, and without prospective investment, the next logical person to get fired was Roberts himself.

And good riddance. Just after he made this announcement that was greeted by “Awws” and “bullshit” by his adoring fans, he threatened to turn off the lights by hacking into the Georgia Power company. Which, of course, he cannot do.

Roberts just doesn’t get it. Running around claiming cyber doomsday only garners sales with the most clueless. Eventually you run out of idiots and have to start making sales to smart people.

His company, One World Sales, hasn’t posted a blog post or even a tweet since Roberts deep-sixed the company with his reckless claims. Firing him will allow the company to make payroll to those last few employees that might have put real sweat equity into the company before they have to close the doors forever. I sure hope Chris Roberts remains proud of his accomplishments there.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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