
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Baltimore Enjoying the Government They Demanded

Baltimore Police are going Galt. The trumped charges against the officers in the Freddie Grey death have made the cops dial back their job performance, and thus are letting those very residents who complained about Police harassment see what they can do on their own against roving gangs of criminals. Those criminals surely wouldn’t hurt anyone because Black Lives Matter, right? Or maybe not as the homicide numbers are skyrocketing.


From CBS here:

A 31-year-old woman and a young boy were shot in the head Thursday, becoming Baltimore’s 37th and 38th homicide victims so far this month, the city’s deadliest in 15 years.
Meanwhile, arrests have plunged: Police are booking fewer than half the number of people they pulled off the streets last year.
Arrests were already declining before Freddie Gray died on April 19 of injuries he suffered in police custody, but they dropped sharply thereafter, as his death unleashed protests, riots, the criminal indictment of six officers and a full-on civil rights investigation by the U.S. Justice Department that has officers working under close scrutiny.

West Baltimore residents worry they’ve been abandoned by the officers they once accused of harassing them, leaving some neighborhoods like the Wild West without a lawman around.

“Our officers tell me that when officers pull up, they have 30 to 50 people surrounding them at any time,” Batts said.
Batts provided more details at a City Council meeting Wednesday night, saying officers now fear getting arrested for making mistakes.
“There are people, and they’ve said this to me, `If I get out of my car and make a stop for a reasonable suspicion that leads to probable cause but I make a mistake on it, will I be arrested?’ They pull up to a scene and another officer has done something that they don’t know, it may be illegal, will they be arrested for it? Those are things they are asking.”

With one weekend still to go, May 2015 is already the deadliest month in 15 years, surpassing the November 1999 total of 36.
Ten of May’s homicides happened in the Western District, which has had as many homicides in the first five months of this year as it did all of last year.

“There was a shooting down the street, and the man was standing in the middle of the street with a gun, just shooting,” Lee added. “Usually, you can’t walk up and down the street drinking or smoking weed.
Now, people are everywhere smoking weed, and police just ride by, look at you, and keep going. There used to be police on every corner. I don’t think they’ll be back this summer.”

This is exactly what you get when Democrats run a city into the ground. The Mayor and Prosecutor treat the cops like the criminals and the criminals get free reign to bring death and destruction on everyone. It is exactly what the city of Baltimore keeps voting for. They have the government they so richly deserve.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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