The Rape Culture Seems to Be Just Victimhood Fantasies
Leftists have raised the status of victimhood to sainthood status. And among victimhood, if you can’t show that you’ve been discriminated against or hate-crimed for being a different color, or hate-crimed for sexual preference, the next best thing is to claim to have been raped by everyone in a fraternity. Lena Dunham wrote a retarded book claiming she was raped by a Republican in college, and that claim turns out to be a huge fat lie. But hey, Lena achieved sainthood status of being a “rape survivor.” Her imaginary rape is just as important as a real rape.

And on the campus of the University of Virginia, another liberal lunatic raised herself to sainthood status by claiming a frat house ran train on her. Whippeeee! And the story was picked up by Rolling Stone, and everyone was suddenly talking about rape culture and demanding that all the fraternities be converted to sororities or shut down because PENIS. And of course, as it turns out, that whole story was a big fat lie too, just like the Duke Lacrosse Team fake rape story.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, who tried to destroy the lives of women who had been sexually assaulted by her husband, is the front runner for the Democrat party. So, this pretty much signals to me that there is now no such thing as rape. Unless a woman can produce a police report, I will instantly suspect that the broad is lying to achieve the powerup of sainthood in the Liberal game of victimhood.