
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Border Patrol Using Skype to Process Illegals

When the Border Patrol processes an illegal alien, they take a photo, take fingerprints, and then send that data back to their headquarters in Washington DC where it is filed into a database. According to this article below, CBP are using Skype for the photography.

From Breitbart here:

Murrieta Border Patrol agents have begun using online communication services, including Skype, to continue to process illegal aliens held in Texas detention centers.
Border Patrol sources told KFI Radio’s Steven Gregory that Murrieta agents can process up to 25 people per shift, depending on the amount of staff in the Texas facilities. It is not immediately known if the station’s shift in processing practices can be attributed to the protesters outside the Murrieta Border Patrol Station, who have succeeded in rerouting three rounds of buses full of illegal aliens to other facilities.

Skype might do okay at remote photography, but the quality of picture is going to vary with the camera. I once sniffed the network of the Border Patrol. Those fingerprints I mentioned above? They EMAIL those fingerprints back to headquarters. Not the most secure way to handle privacy information, but its not like we invited the illegals to come here illegally. Oh, wait a minute, I think Obama did extend an invitation.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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