
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Pot Edibles Often Contaminated with E-Coli; Pesticides

If you are good at being a baker, you can operate a bakery for a profit. If you can’t bake and love to smoke pot, well, you can be a lazy stoner baker who sells pot laced brownies- and neglects to put for the effort at sanitation. A story came out today that didn’t surprise me- saying that “marijuana edibles” sold in Colorado not only weren’t selling at the potency they were advertising- but the food was also contaminated.


From CBS here:

Lab director Joseph Evans said only three of the 13 products tested close to the potency promised on the packaging. One was significantly stronger than advertised. Nine were weaker and some had just traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

As of May 1 the marijuana industry will begin mandatory potency testing of edible products. The government’s primary concern is finding products with too much punch.
“We are going to be more concerned with test results that are higher than what the law allows,” said Koski.
But according to the labs, potency is just one issue with marijuana products. “We’ve found e.Coli, we’ve found salmonella, we’ve found other gram negative bacteria, molds and mildews, pesticides,” said Genifer Murray.

To me a pot brownie bakery is to a real bakery what an abortion clinic is to a hospital room.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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