
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Obama is a Weakling

Of course Putin will march into the Crimea and the US will do nothing to stop it. Because Obama is a girly man who rides girls bicycles with a helmet on.


Now CNN says that Putin is “Bullying” Obama. Anyone can slap around this pansy and take his lunch money, of course. Maybe Obama can report Putin’s behavior to the school guidance councilor.

Remember how Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney both said that Russia was a huge geo-political threat to European security and how the democrats all laughed at them? Now the lefties are going to defend Obama’s inactions in the face of the re-emergence of the Soviet Union.

Lives are going to be lost in the Crimea, but to Obama, its just another round of golf.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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