
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Eye of the Tiger: Performed by Dot Matrix Printer

For the first 6 months of my IT career, I ran around town to industrial spaces fixing gigantic dot matrix printers. Yeah, its as bad as it sounds. I knew how to troubleshoot them down to their respective daughter boards and motor components, and I typically just swapped bad cards out for good cards. My boss was a tech hoarder, and he bought a dilapidated house in York county and stuffed it to the ceiling with old ass printers, black and white CRT monitors and other out dated peripherals, which were even out dated back in the ’90s. Shout out to HRCC, my first shitty IT job! Anyways, here’s a little ditty performed by one of those shitty printers I used to have to fix.

Thanks to [GAS]

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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