
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Happy Government Shutdown Day!

The battle over Obamacare is waging in downtown DC with clear battle lines drawn. The question is, of course, who will blink first? I hope the Republicans hang tough and don’t capitulate. What the House should do next is to actually start passing budgets, not continuing resolutions. They should draft budgets for each Government bureaucracy, to enable funding. Military, DHS, Treasury, but each at a 10 percent reduction. And they should keep the oppressive bureaus for last- Education, EPA, HHS, HUD. If they get funded at all, it should be at 60 percent of their former budget.


This battle is a bit myopic, just focusing on Obamacare. The Federal Government hasn’t passed a real working budget since Obama took office, and they have merely had Continuing Resolutions to keep things at the previous year’s levels plus a bit more. We won’t get out of debt by just slashing one unpopular program.

But while the government stays shut down, I hope people realize how little they actually need Washington wasting our hard-earned money. And for all the liberals who refuse to work and keep their hands out, well, this guy really hopes they feel some pain.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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