
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Is Quantum Computing the Next Big Thing?

After watching this I think I’m left more confused than ever over the future of computer science. Converting bits to Qubits? Creating temporary storage that is completely volatile and self-vaporizing? And just what the hell kinds of problems are so unsolvable that you need quantum computing anyways? Or is this just a new-fangled way to actually market vaporware to suckers?

The idea of building a super computer to calculate every possible solution to a problem to produce a result has been written about before- and the author warned readers that such a process might even take thousands of years to come up with the right answer. And if the answer was calculated, there is no guarantee that anyone would like the answer. I think any answer that comes from such a computer will ultimately just be 42.


Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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