
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Crowdsourced Internet Sleuths Identify Bombers

Drudge linked to the photos today on Imgur, but when I visited later to blog about this, the photos were pulled. But here are two photos that Internet crowds contend is the bomber- in the white cap, with his cohort in the blue tracksuit. In the first picture both are carrying backpacks. In the second, the man in the white hat is missing his backpack. The man in the blue tracksuit is also carrying a heavy package in a shoulder-slung pack. If these were the men, neither of whom are smiling like the rest of the crowd, I guess MSNBC will declare them to be “White Islamic Terrorists” in order to keep pushing their “right-wing” terrorist agenda.


This man also matches the CBS tweet yesterday:

Drudge now explains that these men were a track coach and his student. This would have given them a reason to be there legitimately.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Crowdsourced Internet Sleuths Identify Bombers

  • CBS has photoshop, I’m sure they can fix the pictures to match their agenda…

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