
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Watch Out for Beavers!

Some poor idiot in Belarus managed to get himself killed by a small forest mammal with a paddle for a tail. An aggressive beaver bit a man to death.

From Sky here:

A fisherman has been bitten to death by a beaver after trying to take its photograph.

The man was on a fishing trip at Lake Shestakov in Belarus with two friends when they spotted the animal on the side of the road.

He stopped so that he could take a picture but as he approached the beaver it pounced on him, biting him in the thigh.

His friends attempted to stem the flow of blood from the wound but the animal’s bite had severed a main artery and the man bled to death.

Beaver attacks are rare and according to experts those animals that do go for humans are usually rabid.

Remember when men would hunt beavers for their pelts? Somewhere in Belarus, a beaver is wearing some dude’s ass for a hat.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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