
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Anders Breivik Gets Wrist Slap For Murdering 77 People

Norwegian spree killer Anders Breivik was unanimously sentenced to prison today to a maximum of 21 years. He can get parole as early as ten years from now. Seems further proof that Europeans coddle their criminals.

From HotAir here:

In 2011, Anders Brevik set off a bomb outside a government building in Norway and then slaughtered dozens of unarmed people on a retreat, methodically picking them off as they tried to escape from an island. Seventy-seven people died in Brevik’s murder spree, and the unrepentant killer gave an unemotional description of his actions in court. The court in Norway reacted by handing down a maximum sentence of 21 years in prison — just under 100 days per murder victim.

The minimum is 10 years, or 47.4 days per victim. In Norway, courts can keep prisoners past their maximum release date if a judge finds that they remain a danger to the community.

Folks on Twitter are not happy either, especially after Breivik apologized to “militant nationalists” that he didn’t get to kill more people.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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