Lesbian Hate Crimes Herself
Charlie Rogers, a deranged lesbian basketball player cut a cross into her own chest, sliced up her own legs and ass, and crawled bloody into the streets screaming for help. “Evil Christian Men” attacked her she claimed. The police, FBI, fire department and other agencies wasted a lot of manhours and money investigating. The gay community held parades and screamed “NoH8!”

From CBS here:
A former University of Nebraska women’s basketball star faked an attack in which she carved anti-gay slurs into her skin because she felt it would spark change, police said Tuesday.
Four days before Charlie Rogers crawled naked and bleeding from her Lincoln home, screaming for help, she outlined in a Facebook posting what investigators believe was her motive for faking the July 22 attack, Police Chief Jim Peschong said at a news conference.
“So maybe I am too idealistic, but I believe way deep inside me that we can make things better for everyone. I will be a catalyst. I will do what it takes. I will. Watch me,” read the July 18 posting, according to police.
Furthermore, genetic testing on evidence gathered at the crime scene undermines Rogers’ account of what happened, Peschong said.
Charlie Rogers, 33, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to making a false police report and was released on her own recognizance. She maintains the attack happened and plans to vigorously defend herself.
Rogers said three masked men broke into her home, and that one of them pinned her down while another sliced a cross into her chest, cut the front of her thighs and shins and carved derogatory words in her arms and abdomen. She said they then rolled her onto her stomach and cut her buttocks, the back of her thighs and the back of her right calf. She also said they tried to burn down her house.
Rogers crawled from her home naked, bleeding and screaming for help, a neighbor told police. The community’s gay community responded swiftly, and hundreds turned out for a rally that weekend outside the state Capitol.
Attention-whoring liberals crave attention. I think they should charge Charlie Rogers with a hate crime for attacking a retarded lesbian, and carving words into her abdomen. And lock her in the looney bin. Creating fake hate crimes is old hat. See this older story.