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Tony Robbins Frying Fools

I have no idea who this assclown Tony Robbins is, but I hear he is one of those “motivational speakers” who is an expert at separating fools from their cash. He uses classic techniques such as breathing exercises, concentration, and chanting to make people think they have had a spiritual event. He somehow convinced scores of idiots in San Jose to not only give him their hard earned cash, but also to walk barefoot across burning coals. I’m sure he did it for the lulz.

Tony Robbins is Laughing at the Fried Feet of Fools

From the SJMercuryNews here:

Amid inspirational talk, chanted mantras and shouts of victory at a late-night firewalking event attended by thousands Thursday came agonized shrieks from followers whose soles were scorched by the superheated coals, witnesses said.

At least 21 people were treated for burn injuries after taking part in the crowning event of the first day of a Tony Robbins function downtown, including at least three who went to the hospital.

The people who suffered various second- and third-degree burn injuries were among more than 6,000 who attended the motivational speaker’s event at the San Jose Convention Center called “Unleash the Power Within.”

After the event, which ended about 11 p.m., the crowd walked across the street to the park, where 12 lanes of hot coals measuring 10 feet long and 2½-feet wide rested on the grass.

Jonathan Correll, 25, decided to check out what was going on when “I heard wails of pain, screams of agony.” He said one young woman appeared to be in so much pain “it was horrific.”

On the Tony Robbins website, he promotes “The Firewalk Experience,” a process where people walk across coals between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But that’s not something the San Jose Fire Department recommends. “We discourage people from walking over hot coals.”

Hey, maybe Tony Robbins can cram a bunch of these idiots in a sweat lodge and bake them to death just like James Ray did to his followers.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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