
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Myth of Marijuana Legalization: No More Pot Crime

In California you can get a medical marijuana card extremely easily. You don’t even really have to see a doctor; simply go online for a medical consultation and you get your card. As mentioned previously, even the deadliest addict in the history of the nation, Rodney King, had a medical marijuana card. California has also led the nation in decriminalization. I even saw a sign last week for “Hempcon,” a confab of potheads who gather under the auspices of medical marijuana.

But the potheads of the world love to say that crime would go away if pot were legalized. Its a lie as the video below will prove. A man possessing “swag” or low grade marijuana, led cops on a near-deadly car chase in California.

So whats the deal with the high speed chase if you can damn-near legally smoke pot in California? Because legalization will not eliminate the criminal element who has a stake in the drug market.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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