
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionStupid Peoplewitches

Wonder Twin Powers of the Stupid: Form of Wiccan Yoga!

Stretching is not exercise. Sorry. It might make you flexible, but big whoop. If you pay someone to stretch, you are simply stupid. Even more so if you think that Yoga makes you a “spiritual person.” Oooh! Buddhists, the poorest cult in the world, does Yoga! The only thing dumber than Yoga is Wicca. Wiccans are typically 14 year old girls running around shouting “blessed be” and pretending to cast spells like Harry Potter. And if you are a grownup who believes in Wicca, you are simply stupid too. Now comes a stupid man who was into both and somehow tried to form his own sex cult.

From the DailyMail here:

It was the lurid scandal that rocked the world of yoga to its core.
But now new details have emerged of the Wiccan group sex parties hosted by John Friend, the founder of the popular Anusara yoga movement.

Friend is said to have founded a coven of women called Blazing Solar Flames who would give him naked massages to increase the amount of ‘energy’ between them.

According to The Daily Beast he called himself ‘Grand Magus’ and dubbed one of his women ‘High Priestess’ as they got down to the ‘mix of kissing and rubbing’.

He also told them to cut off locks of their pubic hair – and put them in an altar for another member of the coven.

Friend stepped down in February as the figurehead of Anusara yoga, which has 600,000 students worldwide, for an indefinite period of what he called ‘self-reflection, therapy and personal retreat’.

He admitted to having sex with students, married women and his employees, cheating on his girlfriend and smoking marijuana. There were also allegations about financial mismanagement in relation to pension funds. More than 100 Anusara yoga instructors have now quit in disgust.

Shocker! A fat hippie passes stretching off as exercise, smokes dope, has illicit sex and pretends to have magic powers? I hope every one of his 600 Thousand followers (democrat voters) realize how stupid and foolish they are.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

8 thoughts on “Wonder Twin Powers of the Stupid: Form of Wiccan Yoga!

  • Nathan The Witch

    You know what, fuck off. This guy is a weirdo, and the whole religion of Wicca shouldn’t be judged because of how some pervert acted. Wiccans aren’t just ’14 year old girls running around saying Blessed Be and pretending to cast spells like in Harry Potter’. A lot of Wiccans don’t even practice witchcraft! I’m guessing you’re, what, Christian? Have you ever noticed how it’s Christians that hate on Wiccans, but we don’t care about the beliefs of others?

  • LOL you sure get mad when people make fun of your imaginary religion. Blessed Be!

  • Nathan The Witch

    A religion can’t be ‘imaginary’. A religion is the belief and worship of a superhuman controlling power. So you saying Wicca is imaginary is just like saying that Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. are imaginary. Hmm, so I’m guessing you wouldn’t get a bit frustrated if somebody bashed your religion? And doesn’t the bible state that you should love everybody? Think about that.

  • Religions are certainly imaginary especially when it is espoused by a bunch of 14 year old girls who pretend they have magic powers. Maybe you can make an imaginary curse or a potion to make your religion more real to us muggles, amIright? Or pray to the winds? LOL

  • Religions are a subject that you speak so ignorantly on!! Religions were created in order to organize and discipline ones life in the way of acknowledging powers far greater than those of our own so that one can create change from within as well as without as well as find him/her selfs place in the greater scheme of things. Yes, I am Wiccan but I have no shame in providing demystification of our ancient based spirituality for you to gain a better insight as to what true Wicca is about..perhaps then you would be so kind as to no longer speak ignorantly on such subjects.
    BTW..I am not 14yrs old and to speak with me is to rise to a new level of intelligence ( as so it would seems) Bless’ed be!!!

  • Religions were created by conmen as a way to separate stupid people from their money. It works by making you feel small in your own universe and powerless over the decisions of your life. Your religion is double-plus stupid because it ascribes human traits and abilities to natural objects. Keep pretending every day is Halloween “Swiftraven” Ha! What a stupid made-up name.

  • Okay then, ‘Dr. Jones’, how are we being scammed? I’ve followed Wicca nearly my whole life and I haven’t spent a dime from it.

  • Wicca is such a fake religion it couldn’t even get a tax deductible exemption for donations. LOL That and liberals are notoriously stingy with charitable donations.

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