
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberYou're Fired!

Byron Sonne’s Stash of Potassium Chlorate Destroyed

As noted earlier, Byron Sonne had hidden a large stash of incendiary material in the backyard garden in his ex-wife’s house. The cache was a “magazine” of potassium chlorate, made from a home distillery using electrolysis according to court testimony and judging by the materials recovered from his basement lab. The bomb squad took the material and incinerated it today. That video is below as well as the video documenting the method to retrieve potassium chlorate from bleach.

The video showing the destruction of Sonne’s stash is below. Click the image to see it. The scale of the fire is difficult to determine unless you can make out the tiny cinderblocks in the rubble. That line of clear space appears to be a tire track, but its not. Its from a bulldozer. This is a big, self perpetuating fire. And to me, it clearly proves that Sonne was stockpiling explosive materials with the intent to use it.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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