Fools in Ontario Still Worried About WiFi
Pity the children of Ontario. The adults in the province are themselves so uneducated that they believe that the radiation from wifi hotspots will give kids cancer. Back in 2010 I wrote about the idiots up in Ontario led by a woman named Susan Clarke who led the charge to rip wifi out of schools in Barrie. I think she has influenced a large Catholic Teachers’ Union to do away with the technology in all of the Catholic schools.

From the DailyCaller here:
Wi-Fi has found its way into classrooms across Canada, and the Ontario English Catholic Teacher’s Association (OECTA) believes it “may present a potential health and safety risk or hazard in the workplace,” the National Post reported.
The union’s statement, released earlier this week, targets the increase of wireless devices such as iPads in primary education facilities. Wireless Internet has been made available in 81 school districts in Ontario over the past three years.
“The safety of this technology has not thoroughly been researched and therefore the precautionary principle and prudent avoidance of exposure should be practiced,” the statement read.
“We’re not saying rip them out of the building,” OECTA President Kevin O’Dwyer clarified. “My sense is that there’s enough doubt out there that we should hold off until there’s more research.”
How absolutely retarded of Kevin O’Dwyer. There is more radiation from living inside a brick home than you can derive from electronic wireless communications. But check out the bullshit pseudoscience these addled grownups quote in their position paper here:
Effects from Exposure
There are reports of a number of immediate biological effects that are experienced with exposure, such as; headaches, nausea, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, weakness, pressure in the head, and a racing or fluttering heart (tachycardia).Moreover, students are considered to be more susceptible to microwave radiation because of their age and their earlier stages of development.
Implementation of WiFi technology in schools will produce unprecedented exposure to microwave radiation of approximately 6 hours each school day, 5 days a week, for 40 weeks each year. This will be without any studies being done to determine the effects of either the short-term or long-term effects of this microwave exposure on adults as well as children.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
A portion of the population are estimated to be affected in some way by an environmental sensitivity called electro-hypersensitivity, which is an increased sensitivity to non-ionizing radiation, and may become ill when WiFi is initialized.
Of course there is no proof of any of these outlandish and idiotic claims. And note that it mirrors perfectly with the claims I wrote about in 2010 with Susan Clarke. I’m certain she is behind this junkscience claim.
I tried to read this whole post on my cell phone connected to WiFi, but I couldn’t concentrate enough to
OH!!! I’m sorry. I forgot to finish typing. I couldn’t concentrate long enough to… Wait. What was that blog about again?
Ha! You know, I do now realize that liberals make me wanna puke, but it might be due to the fact that I always read about their shenanigans on a computer! With wifi!
the idiot that wrote this article is unaware of the science. nobody can even steer him to something he wouldn’t look at in the first place so why bother to cite the thousands of studies, the latest of which confirms sperm damage from lap tops. this is just one of three studies that confirmed that. but when is science science to a flat earthest. check out my website.
Kids don’t need to worry about sperm count. You dare call anyone a flat-earther and you are the one that wishes to ban technology? You probably believe in global warming and think genetically modified foods are bad for you too, right?