
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Cheerful Dad Blindsided by Terabithia

The movie Bridge to Terabithia is supposed to be a kids movie featuring fantastic creatures and monsters created by childhood imagination. The special effects aren’t that special and the acting is not really up to Disney standards, but it should keep your child still for a couple of hours.

You just have to stop watching the movie when the little girl gets murdered, raped by a biker gang, and the body eaten by badgers. Yeah, the movie ends that badly. Fortunately, for my family, we saw the movie without the boy, and we were stunned with WTFness. @Exjon on Twitter must not have read any of the spoiler alerts and watched the movie with his two young daughters. He tweeted (read from bottom up)

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Cheerful Dad Blindsided by Terabithia

  • Wow, I don’t remember the ending to the book, clearly. It was required middle school reading in Vermont because it was written by a Vermont author. Related but unimportant: Because Vermont is so small, I know her daughter.

    Was the movie a different ending?!

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