
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarrefailScienceStupid People

Chemtrails Really Can Be Dissolved With Vinegar

You really have to weep for the idiocy that infests this country when you realize these people have the right to vote.

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Watch this moronic mom make her son videotape her hunting contrails from overhead jets while she sprays vinegar into her back yard. She thinks the government is spraying chemicals in addition to jet exhaust to make people derpy, and she knows this is a fact because she is a chemistry and physics genius.

The planes fly at 6 miles of altitude, and with just a few degrees at an angle toward the horizon makes the aircraft, and their corresponding contrails of frozen vapor, about ten miles away. Pythagorean’s theorem puts the commercial aircraft about 12 miles away. Yet somehow, spraying vinegar at your dandelions makes the contrails dissipate. Can anyone please tell me how the science behind this works?

What do they do about spraying chemtrails at night when they are invisible? Or now that the youtube videos are out there blowing the lid off this conspiracy, won’t the government just make chemtrails that are impervious to vinegar?

At least she’s not as whacky as the Obama voter that blamed rainbows in her sprinkler on Bush.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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