
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failPoliticsracismStupid People

WaPo’s Elizabeth Flock Bitchslapped for Tying Romney to Democrat KKK

The KKK was born as the terror arm of the Democrat party. The fact that so many blacks still vote Democrat is a credit to their efforts over the years. Democrats, fearing that the newly freed slaves would flock to the Republican party that freed the slaves, waged a campaign of terror and discrimination to keep blacks from voting. Thus came the white hoods, burning crosses, literacy tests at the polls, and Jim Crow laws- each Democrat attempts to keep blacks from voting Republican.

Elizabeth Flock, having no knowledge of history, nor of the origins of the KKK, tried to tie a slogan of the Klan around the neck of Romney in a blogpost here. Even the liberal Washington Post did a face palm and had to apologize on her behalf.

Editors’ note: This posting contains multiple, serious factual errors that undermine its premise. Mitt Romney is not using “Keep America American,” which was once a KKK slogan, as a catchphrase in stump speeches, as the posting and headline stated. In a YouTube video that the posting said showed Romney using the phrase, Romney actually used a different phrase, “Keep America America.” Further, the video that the blog posting labelled “Mitt Romney 2012 Campaign Ad” is not actually a Romney campaign ad. The video itself states “Mitt Romney does not actually support this ad.” The posting cited accounts of Romney saying “keep America American” at an appearance last week. Independent video from the event shows him saying “Keep America America.” The Post should have contacted the Romney campaign for comment before publication. Finally, we apologize that the posting began by saying “[s]omeone didn’t do his research” when, in fact, we had not done ours.

Flock is not going to be fired, but she should try to pretend not to be a Democrat hack in the future.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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