
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsScienceStupid People

Idiocracy Was Born in San Francisco

All cellphones now sold in the city limits of San Francisco have to have a label on them specifying the amount of radiation the thing gives off. How people are supposed to figure out this score is beyond anyone’s guess.

From NBC here:

San Francisco controversial new law requiring cell phone retailers in the City to provide radiation information is now live.

The ordinance requires cell phone retailers to display information about the amount of radiation emanating from cell phones and to provide fact sheets to customers who ask for them.

There is some controversy about how radiation levels are measured and whether cell phone radiation poses an immediate threat at all.

Ever notice with the big brains on the left that the “science is settled” on the whole Global Warming thing, but when scientists continually tell us that cellular signals are harmless to all forms of life, that scientific information is “theory” and “controversial?”

They should go ahead and label the calorie and sodium content on cell phones too. Consumers too dumb to trust cell phone safety are very likely the eat the damn things.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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