
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

PETA Runs Ads Comparing Dogs to Sweat Lodge Victims

You can count on PETA to have a distorted perspective on the value of life. Check out the ad they are running in Sedona comparing dogs to the three victims of James Ray’s sweat lodge:

From PhoenixNewTimes here:

As Oprah-approved “self-help” guru James Arthur Ray prepares for sentencing after getting convicted of negligent homicide for the deaths of three people at a sweat lodge ceremony, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are trying to capitalize on the publicity his case received — by comparing the victims of his fatal death lodge to dogs who get stuck in hot cars.

PETA is negotiating with outdoor advertisers near Sedona, the sight of Ray’s deadly “Spiritual Warrior” self-help retreat, to display a billboard showing a distressed dog in a parked car next to the caption “A Sweat Lodge Can Kill You. A Parked Car Can Kill Him. Dogs Overheat Faster Than Humans.”

Three people died and several others were injured during Ray’s 2009 death lodge ceremony.

One of the victims, 49-year-old Liz Neuman of Prior Lake, Minnesota died of multiple-organ failure after the ceremony. The other two victims, 38-year-old Kirby Brown of Westtown, New York, and 40-year-old James Shore of Wisconsin, each fell victim to heat stroke after being in the sweat tent.

This is also preposterous given that PETA killed over 94 percent of the adoptable dogs and cats in their care last year. In fact, I’m pretty sure that most of their dogs are put down by locking them in their employee cars in Norfolk.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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