
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

3.6 Million Bucks Wasted Studying Crackhead Monkeys with Bleedy Little Vaginas

I have written before that our federal government traffics in human brains. They also buy and sell cocaine and meth and pot in order to force monkeys to become addicted- so they can measure how it affects them on the monkey rag- and whether or not they prefer trail mix to monkey chow. And this costs taxpayers 3.6 Million bucks.

From CNSNews here:

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a division of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH), has spent $3,634,807 over the past decade funding research that involves getting monkeys to smoke and drink drugs such as PCP, methamphetamine (METH), heroin, and cocaine and then studying their behavior, including during different phases of the female monkeys’ menstrual cycles.

The study also uses “interventions” as “treatment models” for monkeys who have been taught to use drugs.

Precursor research on drug-using monkeys, also funded by NIDA, discovered that after smoking cocaine monkeys exhibited “dilated pupils and slightly agitated, hyperactive behavior”

Well, no shit. I could have told the feds that monkeys smoking crack would make their pupils dilate. I’d have only charged 50 bucks.

In yet another federally funded study of drug-taking monkeys, the monkeys were sometimes given “trail mix” after “their daily experimental sessions.”

“The drugs that will be studied,” the NIH said, “are cocaine, ethanol, heroin, methadone and phencyclidine (PCP).”

“Animals are trained to self-administer drugs that humans abuse, and several phases of the addiction process are modeled, such as acquisition, maintenance, withdrawal, craving, and relapse.”

“Four rhesus monkeys were trained to smoke cocaine-base under a progressive ratio (PR) schedule with ten smoking trials available each day,” the researchers wrote. “Subjects quickly learned to suck or inhale on the smoking tube.

The researchers said that this particular study used five monkeys who had a history of cocaine and heroin use—and that these monkeys were given “trail mix” after their “daily experimental sessions.”

So they get monkeys hooked on smack in order to use them for other tests? And they call it “monkeys with a history of heroin use” instead of “my crackhead monkey?”

And monkeys can’t talk back, which is why any drug study on lower primates would take 100 times longer than using human subjects. Don’t they have any human crackheads readily available in Minnesota? How is this not blatant animal abuse? Leftist animal rights terrorists will storm a lab using monkeys to find a cancer cure, but for a lab that is getting monkeys addicted to drugs? Whoa man, that’s cool. I guess Earth Liberation Front doesn’t want to harsh their little monkey buzzes by busting down this lab?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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