
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Finally! Now that Star Trek Boy Wonder Wil Wheaton Has Felt Violated, Maybe Something Will be Done About the TSA

Or maybe not. Wil Wheaton, the boy actor of such movies and TV shows as Stand By Me and Star Trek: The Next Generation, has had his small wiener touched during a screening. Now all nerds are crying out in anger against the TSA.

From Wil’s blog here:

Yesterday, I was touched — in my opinion, inappropriately — by a TSA agent at LAX.

I’m not going to talk about it in detail until I can speak with an attorney, but I’ve spent much of the last 24 hours replaying it over and over in my mind, and though some of the initial outrage has faded, I still feel sick and angry when I think about it.

What I want to say today is this: I believe that the choice we are currently given by the American government when we need to fly is morally wrong, unconstitutional, and does nothing to enhance passenger safety.

I further believe that when I choose to fly, I should not be forced to choose between submitting myself to a virtually-nude scan (and exposing myself to uncertain health risks due to radiation exposure)1, or enduring an aggressive, invasive patdown where a stranger puts his hands in my pants, and makes any contact at all with my genitals.

When I left the security screening yesterday, I didn’t feel safe. I felt violated, humiliated, assaulted, and angry. I felt like I never wanted to fly again. I was so furious and upset, my hands shook for quite some time after the ordeal was over. I felt sick to my stomach for hours.

Wil, as a reminder, you pined away for a Democratic controlled government run by Barack Obama. You called Hillary Clinton a sad pathetic girlfriend who wouldn’t take no for an answer. This wasn’t just some fat TSA agent enjoying the feel of your tiny manmeat in his mits, this was Obama, by proxy, tugging your boyish nuts.

Keep shaking. Keep that feeling of violation. This is the government you voted for.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Finally! Now that Star Trek Boy Wonder Wil Wheaton Has Felt Violated, Maybe Something Will be Done About the TSA

  • This wasn’t just some fat TSA agent enjoying the feel of your tiny manmeat in his mits, this was Obama, by proxy, tugging your boyish nuts.

    Uh, seeing as he was obviously so badly pissed off about this, are you sure the TSA agent was a guy?

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