
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Generation Y Women Losing Cooking Skillz

My wife is a fantastic chef. And she’s generation Y. But she definitely is critical of many of her peers in her age group who can’t seem to navigate their way around a jar of peanut butter.

From News.Com.Au here:

Gender roles now being forgotten
Life too fast and busy for DIY skills
Generation Y less able than others
BASIC “female” skills are becoming endangered with fewer young women able to iron a shirt, cook a roast chicken or hem a skirt.

Just as more modern men are unable to complete traditional male tasks, new research shows Generation Y women can’t do the chores their mothers and grandmothers did daily.

Only 51 per cent of women aged under 30 can cook a roast compared with 82 per cent of baby boomers.

Baking lamingtons is a dying art with 20 per cent of Gen Y capable of whipping up the Aussie classic, down from 45 per cent for previous generations.

Traditional skills outside the kitchen are falling by the wayside with Gen Y women woefully behind their older counterparts, the study by McCrindle Research found. Only 23 per cent can grow a plant from a cutting when 78 per cent of older women say this is a breeze.

Driving manual cars is also on the decline with just 40 per cent of women under 30 possessing this skill compared to 71 per cent of older women.

I had to look up a “lamington.” Its a square piece of sponge cake. Yeah, that seems pretty easy to do. I keep hearing lots of complaints about Generation Y from my own generation- that they are too into video games, don’t have the go-getter attitude at work. Are these fair criticisms?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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