
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Would George Washington Drive a Dodge Challenger?

This commercial is so awesome on so many levels. The music is cool, the costumes fantastic, the sound mixing, including the growl of the engines. And they probably got the best looking George Washington character I’ve ever seen.

I have been priveleged to drive one of these as a rental out in California. It didn’t have the V8, but sitting in that car brought back a flood of memories to how cars were built back in the early 70’s. Sturdy, solid engineering, roomy interiors and stylish body. Driving down the street was really causing heads to turn to admire this car.

This is what the Challenger should always look like. Not that piece of crap Mitsubishi Laser they slapped the name on back in the late 80’s. Ech. Just try doing an image search on Google for an 80’s Challenger. You can’t find it because they were all in the junkyard before the invention of the internet. Here is a snip I took off an old ad to show you what should go down as the most shameful moment in Dodge history:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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