
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Chinese Pipeline Explodes, Killing 4; 300 Injured, OMG That Cute Monkey Saved That Puppy!

Some Chinese building was being demolished for scrap, and a pipeline carrying ethylene gas was ignited causing a spectacular fireball that killed workers and injured hundreds. But that disaster isn’t the news here.

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This monkey was photographed while it was rescuing a little puppy.

From NowPublic here:

Here is a bizarre bit of news coming out of the pipeline explosion in Nanjing, China that killed 13 people and injured 300, and no it is not the news that 4 people were arrested – it is this remarkable photo of monkey grabbing a puppy dog and running away from the explosion and fire.

BP should take notes. Next time they pollute a major body of water, just stage a dolphin rescuing a kitten. Then name the dolphin “Beep, the BP wonder fish.”

Anyone else think this puppy was already dead and this monkey was making off with food? Or were they BOTH on the menu and this is just a fortunate jailbreak?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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