
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ArtEco-ReligionfailStupid People

This is How Liberals Clean Up Oil

They go on YouTube and torture the rest of us with their own sense of self importance and bad singing. So who’s up for some Half-naked attic? off key Karaoke??! That would be this idiot, Emily Russell from Northampton Mass.

Wow! Thanks for actually doing something about the spill Emily. This was about as useful as donating your used tampons to soak up the spilled oil down at Jiffy Lube.

Emily is a Massachusetts chick who wasted her parent’s money going to a liberal college only to produce worthless art while she still camps in what looks like her parent’s attic.

She has her worthless art posted on a huge PDF file over at her website here. She has made a victorious installation art piece that contained pennies, piles of sand and some of her Mom’s wonderbread. She has filmed her loser friend naked in a tub cutting herself with a steak knife.

And the best are the photos of a gun in her mouth and against a pregnant belly.

Wow, such social merit for such deep pieces! How did she ever become so deep?? I’m sure she imagines herself as the next Robert Maplethorpe or Andres Serrano.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “This is How Liberals Clean Up Oil

  • Daddy’s gonna be pissed when he sees what you’re doing with his pistol, Emily.

  • She could at least have the decency and consideration to show her tits before blowing her brains all over her parents terracotta tile bathroom. Still, I dig kooky broads. Plus, she’s pregnant so you know she puts out.

  • I think she is smuggling a soccer ball and a pack of Marlboro reds.

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