
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Belch.Com Congratulates

Michael Jackson as he nears 1 whole year of sobriety!

If I had a superpower in which I could eject pretty butterflies from my chest in an eruption of joy, I would do so on this occasion. But I can’t. Besides, I think there might be a few people, women, perhaps, who might find such a superpower sexy, but I’m a married man and the best I would be able to do with that power is earn a few free beers at the pub as a bar trick. Or I could wait until I was in a taxi and freak out the driver when his cab was suddenly filled with butterflies and watch him swear in arabic. Or maybe in an act of cruelty I would do it in the shower and watch them all flutter in the water and drown at my feet.

But I don’t have that power so to celebrate Michael Jackson’s year of sobriety I will post a picture of his best movie evar!


Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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