
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Al Gore Divorcicle!

Al Gore, the insane lunatic that walks the earth in a sandwich board sign declaring that the earth is coming to an end is about to be divorced by his wife after 40 long, boring, disappointing years. This means that she will get half of the Presidential Loser’s considerable wealth he’s managed to chisel from various global warming carbon offset scams he’s running, plus the cash from the retarded global warming movie he made, plus half his nobel prize winnings, plus half of his real estate holdings, plus half of current TV.

NOOOOO!!! Greedy Bitch!!!

I’m sure he will tell Tipper in the divorce proceedings to “Go ahead take all my wealth! It won’t do you any good when you are 40 feet below sea level due to melting glaciers! They’ll call you the sea hag! I won’t let you come aboard the Ark I’m building in Tennessee to save 2 of every critter! Bill Clinton always told me you were a bitch!”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Al Gore Divorcicle!

  • Cool,I get to use this joke again.

    Will he pay the alimony in carbon credits?

  • I’m sure Tipper will want a real form of currency, not some make-believe funny money. Oh he can try, but I’m pretty sure she is an expert on his bullshit.

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