
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Russians Going Muslim Hunting

Of course I hope they hunt down the dogs that bombed their subway system. I think they still owe them bastards hell for Beslan. If you’ve never seen the Beslan documentary, it will tear your heart out. This is what Islam is.

From the BBC here:

At least 38 people were killed and more than 60 injured in two suicide bomb attacks on the Moscow Metro during the morning rush hour, officials say.

Female suicide bombers are believed to have carried out the attacks on trains that had stopped at two stations in the heart of the Russian capital.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for being behind the attacks. But Russian security services believe the bombers are linked to militant groups in the North Caucasus region.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin cut short a visit to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk and said a crime that was “terrible in its consequences and heinous in its manner” had been committed. “I am confident that law enforcement bodies will spare no effort to track down and punish the criminals. Terrorists will be destroyed,” he added.

Happy hunting Russia!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

69 thoughts on “Russians Going Muslim Hunting

  • Endersdragon

    P.S. How many babies did American Colonists kill. How many babies did Spanish Conquisitors kill. How far do you want me to go back through history? Even throughout the old testement of the bible it talks about killing babies when taking over enemy lands. I am Christian, but that doesn’t mean Christians or Christian nations are always good or even decent.

  • Oh! Wow!!! Damn endersdragon you totally swayed me with your apparent grasp of the news and current events with your hand adeptly placed on the pulse of the world… Damn!!! I forgot all aBOUT the UN. MAN! What was I thinking?!?!? Well s**t! If they say it and A.I. is there to back them up, then dammit! It must be true! Wow genius!!! You win! I’ve been bested!!! Holy crap! You’re a genius!

  • Endersdragon

    Okay then tell me who says that there have been less then 25,000 Chechens killed? Are you trying to tell me they were all terrorists, not one of them was innocent? You give conservatives a bad name Robb. Next your going to tell me Slobadan Melosivch was a good man.

  • Are you saying he’s not?!?!??

  • p.s. And you, young man, are a typical fool; sorry I mean liberal… Not that there’s really any difference..

  • Endersdragon

    Actually I voted for McCain even though I thought that Palin was an idiotic decision (would have preferred Lieberman though I know neither of them would have been nutjob… I mean conservative enough to get your vote). I am just saying that 25,000 lifes should matter, especcially when anybody who has actually being within 1,000 miles of Grozny (which Putin said is entirely inhabited by enemy combatants… yea thats not ethnic cleansing at all is it) says that a great deal of them were killed randomly using explosives.

    Personally I have only been to Serbia, and I have seen the devestation that ethnic cleansing and the subsequent NATO action (they are probably too liberal for you I know) has caused there. I hope that never happens anywhere else.

  • Endersdragon

    P.S. I know the Genocide convention will be too liberal for you (even though it was largely organized by America and… Russia) but heres the defination:

    ..any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    a) check (this ones pretty obvious)
    b) check (same difference, unless everyone whos been there is lying)
    c) check (you have to extropolate a bit more here, but when you kick 100,000s out of their homes… yea… I would say so)
    d) if the stories of guys and girls… areas being multilated are assumed to be true, check
    e) haven’t heard any stories of this yet, but wouldn’t suprise me

    So thats at least 3 of 5 genocide actions… nice. And yet your defending this guy… let me guess your a teabagger too? Probably also a birther.

  • War’s a bitch

    Kill them all; scorch the earth and leave one alive so he can warn others…

    As for the Tea party comment; no, but it’s now obvious you secretly wish you had some balls across your own nose.
    You obviously didn’t vote for McCain because you were way too worried that you might think youself a racist.

    Birther WTF is that?!? Oh… Yeah that. No, not that either…

    Maybe I should join the tea party… Since you’re too busy collecting workers comp and living on the dole I’ll hazard a guess you won’t be there…

  • Endersdragon

    Birther is someone who believes that Obama is a foreigner. I am still a college grad student, yea I know you are an anti intelliectual (but hey, you got through middle school and you did alright right?). I did vote for McCain as I felt that Obama’s cult of personality (there is a song about what that is if you aren’t sure, I know thats a complicated term for you) and the fact that he seemed to have no new ideas. Though you probably didn’t vote because it was a choice between a black guy and a catholic, how could someone like you be expected to make such a decision!

  • Yeah… I knew you were still in college; been there done that and that’s how I know what you really are; still full of hate and loathing; seen it all too often, but you’ll wake up one day… That’s off topic however… When Muslims blow up your children (if you & you’re man can fool the adoption agency), then what will you do? Forgive and forget? Oh… Maybe it’s OK for them to live out there days, feign ass cancer and go home… Think hard on that one little Hiawatha before you jump on that… Anything short of “Kill them all…” would be a lie to yourself and to anyone reading this. C-ya

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Now now Robb…
    We should bow to endersdragonsboy’s superior intellect, education and life experience. Just lreade hi posts. It’s perfectly clear that he believes himself to be the superior of any poster here. We are mere dullards and detritus under his mighty and Olympian, truly God like gaze.
    He dismisses us and our petty arguments with a wave of his hand. Only he possesses the Truth…or at least that’s what he thinks.
    Clearly the many decades he has spent on the planet, the many Presidents he has seen come and go and his intense study of our political system over the last 40 or 50 years gives him a much clearer and enlightened view of, well, all things that but particularly political history.
    How childlike he is…what’s gonna happen to this brainwashed kid when he gets out there in the real world? I hope for his sake that he has lots of friends. He’s gonna need em’.

  • Endersdragon

    25,000 lives to avenge my sons life… no I don’t think I would be for that. Beyond that you probably spoke more truth then you intened too. A lot of Chechen boys and girls have been killed, does that mean all of the terrorists are just seeking vengence? I really don’t think so, but thats what your suggesting. I personally have no problem with kill TERRORISTS, its when you kill 25,000 CIVILIANS that I have a problem. Once again what Putin is doing is just as bad as what Milosevic did, 3 acts of genocide… and you cheer him on. Thats sick.

  • Endersdragon

    Alaskan, how will condemning genocide hurt me in the “real world”? Beyond that I am going into teaching special education ( *waits for the retard jokes* ) I will get condemned by many teachers, but it won’t be for not being a conservative nutjob like you, it will be for being TOO conservative.

  • 1 of two things is true here. Either you always have to have the last word or you’re deluded beyond belief. Since you’re approaching my wrung on the schooling ladder; Let’s both hope it’s the former… Try to work on that… It’s an annoying trait.

    Additionally… Inside; hidden away from everyone; and where it really counts… You already know I’m right, despite all of your attempts to sidestep the real issue and change the argument into some moral “left-inista” B.S. And I think… That’s why you can’t let it go; it’s a form of self loathing

  • Endersdragon

    So you think I truly believe genocide is right? Or you truly think that this isn’t a genocide even though just about everyone in the world believes it is? Do you truly think that I believe Christians are incapable of being as bad as Muslims (despite all evidence to the countray) as has been argued here before? So what is it that I beleive?

    Beyond that, aren’t you constantly seeking the last word too? Maybe its a common moral failing.

  • E.D. No… I don’t have to have the last word, but looking above I see 0 ?’s from my last post and 4 in yours… Generally, that’s been the volley here. You say something stupid and usually way off topic and one of us grown-up people (against our better judgement) has to reply and can’t let it go… Like me… right now; for instance and I’m cursing myself as I type…

  • Who is talking about genocide? No one is advocating the extinction of a race. Just kill enough of them that they stop terrorizing people.

    And Enders has a long history of not being able to choose a side in many aspects of life. He also has the assburgers and the strongest evidence of that is his inability to let go of a topic. His greatest fear is that people will cure his mental illness or find a way to screen women for the specific genetic markers who will then abort or take drugs to cure the disorder invitro. He fears that as genocide to people with assburgers. Which isn’t a race or nationality or a protected class of people.

    But we’ve discussed this elsewhere and I don’t want to get into it here.

  • Endersdragon

    How many people will that take, 200,000 civilians? A million? Imagine some Texans decide they are fed up with the government, so they decide to blow up a few federal building (not too hard to imagine, basically what happened in OKC) so the government decides to come in and kill tens of thousands. Does that sound alright to you?

  • AlaskanInfidel

    I hear ya Robb…
    Makes ya feel silly to bark back at a barking dog.
    I’ve felt that way all too often. Even now …must …resist….temptation…to school 15 year old punk that knows everything…argh….
    The punks that our schools are putting out that they call teachers and professors…makes me pity the pupils.

  • Endersdragon

    Infidel, just tell me one thing that Muslims have done that is worse then the Rwanadan Genocide (Christians), the Holocaust (Christians), and the if you want to go historical the Spanish Inquisiton. Just one ****ing thing. If not just drop the ****ing racism or at least admit thats what it is. If you do that I will consider myself schooled and go away.

  • Endersdragon

    P.S. Yes I know that you would rather schools teach that Christians are perfect and Muslims are all evil. Sadly, when teaching history its clear that what you want taught is not what actually happened.

  • The Holocaust was perpetrated by neo-pagans, and Rwanda had nothing to do with religious beliefs. And the Hutus who carried out the attempted genocide were almost genocided themselves in 1972. Shows how much THEY cared about your precious feelings about genocide. They wanted to get in on the act.

    And about a thousand people died during the inquisiton, and they were all witches so they had it coming.

    Given that there are about a billion Muslims in the world, you could lose about 80% of them before anyone screamed genocide. Lose about 94% before I would think someone was getting carried away.

    But lets not talk about genocide anymore. This has become hilariously threadjacked and is now one of the top commented posts. Thanks Enders!

  • Endersdragon

    The post was all about how good Putin was and how he should go “Muslim Hunting”, how is it threadjacking to say hes a dictator guilty of genocide?

  • Now that was a nice concise non confrontational opinion. It only took you this many posts to state that. It’s okay to hate Putin I don’t like him either.

    But he’s not quite a dictator. And retaliation for terror doesn’t quite equate to genocide.

    My sympathies lie with the people of Russia on this one. Being from Iowa I wouldn’t expect you to know feat about getting on a subway that has been hit with a jetliner on a building where you used to work.

  • Bet he posts again… he can’t help himself and If I lose, Pat, I owe you a libation and autographed CD that I’m sure you’ll cherish forever, or… until you misplace it (LMAO)… and, to follow your point up; I had a gig in NYC and stayed across from G-0 not too long afterwards and that… was an extremely sobering couple of days. Hence, my stance…

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