
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Russians Going Muslim Hunting

Of course I hope they hunt down the dogs that bombed their subway system. I think they still owe them bastards hell for Beslan. If you’ve never seen the Beslan documentary, it will tear your heart out. This is what Islam is.

From the BBC here:

At least 38 people were killed and more than 60 injured in two suicide bomb attacks on the Moscow Metro during the morning rush hour, officials say.

Female suicide bombers are believed to have carried out the attacks on trains that had stopped at two stations in the heart of the Russian capital.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for being behind the attacks. But Russian security services believe the bombers are linked to militant groups in the North Caucasus region.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin cut short a visit to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk and said a crime that was “terrible in its consequences and heinous in its manner” had been committed. “I am confident that law enforcement bodies will spare no effort to track down and punish the criminals. Terrorists will be destroyed,” he added.

Happy hunting Russia!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

69 thoughts on “Russians Going Muslim Hunting

  • C-Mon E.D. Press that
    CANDY! like button…

    Submit your questions along with that smattering of derision we’ve come to enjoy… everybody’s doing it and you know you want to…

  • Endersdragon

    Umm you are aware I have been to Serbia? I got to see all sorts of bombed out buildings. I got to meet families of those who lost people they knew in the terror attacks that started the genocide (yes, amazing how that worked there too) and in the subsequent war. I had the chance to meet a couple political leaders of Serbia (mainly Emir Kusturica, yes hes a director but he is one of the biggest political players in Serbia) including some guys that loved Yugoslavia and loved Milosevic, Kusturica himself was part of the first but not the second, he liked the war until it lead to genocide though. Yes I am from Iowa, but I have seen what wars cause, its never pretty. How many times have you been to wartorn parts of the world?

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Oh God…here I go barking at the damned dog again… Just can’t help it. sigh…
    ED you stupid little twit. What race is muslim? I’ve asked you that before and you ignored the question and continue to call me racist. Damn but you’re stupid.

    Do you know what sodomy is? (It’s anal sex.) In islam, anal sex with babies, (I’ll assume that you know what a baby is…) is not forbidden or even frowned upon. Sex with animals is also halal. When you defend islam you defend these things. Do you understand that?
    Do you think that a religion that sexualizes children down to the age of an infant is a good religion? Do you want to see that religion and that practice spread? Do you think that women should be treated as cattle? Traded for weapons or other women?
    You valiantly defend these things and again, out of your sheer ignorance and bigoted thinking, accuse me of being a racist. How incredibly stupid you must be.
    Don’t you need to be, at the very least, less mentally impaired than those you intend to teach?
    You would make a great muslim. You display the same sense of superiority that they do. You clearly feel yourself to be in a position to judge others due to your misplaced feeling of supremacy. The condescending tone of all of your posts makes this clear as an azure sky of deepest blue.
    I looked for you at Jihadwatch. Coward. Bring your asinine arguments there and learn something.
    This is not the place for this.
    I smelled the ovens in Auschwitz…the stench will never leave me. I saw the marks inside the ovens where the living were burned and tried to escape.
    Don’t attempt to lecture me about genocide you ignoramus. Your short time on this planet has taught you nothing. YOU are the type that would stand by and watch the smoke rise from the chimneys in Nazi Germany. I know your kind well…

    Death to islam.
    Free the slaves.

  • Endersdragon

    Where in the bible does it condemn sex with children? For that matter where is sex with animals condemned. I have read the whole bible cover to cover and I can’t think of those passages. As long as its not incest the bible doesn’t condemn either as well. Beyond all that look at the Catholic church or LDS and tell me they don’t have a horrible human rights record (especcially when it comes to having sex with children).

    For how many centuries was the Christian bible used to justify slavery. For how many centuries was the Christian bible used to justify war (including basically wiping out the Aztecs and Mayans… of course thats not a genocide is it). For how many centuries was it used to justify outlawing interracial marriages. Don’t even act like Christians are perfect and always have been.

  • miltrucker

    Woah, slow down ender… may want to use your old pal Google before you cram your whole leg in your mouth… I gotta say I’m not 100% sure I believe you when you say you read the whole Bible cover to cover:
    Exodus 22:19 (New International Version)
    “Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death.

    Leviticus 18:23
    ” ‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

    Leviticus 20:15
    ” ‘If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.

    I’d say that’s condemnation… however again were WAY WAY WAY WAY off topic and I’ll stop now… I just can’t help myself when someone puts BS about the Bible out there…

    I gotta say though, the more I read your posts the more I see an angry anti-Christian… borders on hate-speech really.

  • Endersdragon

    P.S. 1) I have NEVER justified anything, your the one justifying the murder of 25,000 civilians or saying that everyone must be lying (God only knows the motive). 2) Bigoted thinking? Yea, I so hate white people. 3) Even if I am white I am not really wanting to meet you and your cloaked friends at your next clan meeting, so I think I will stay away from Jihadwatch. 4) You want to rescue some Arabs, go to a mosque and say this shit, then upload a picture of your battered and bloody face for me to laugh at :).

  • Endersdragon

    So it condemns sex with animals but not with children. Got it. Actually though I am Christian, I just realize that Christians have done evil things too. Murder, slavery, genocide, etc. have all been justified by the Christian bible. But hey, at least Christians are not having sex with animals!

    P.S. I have read it cover to cover, doesn’t mean I can tell you what Exodus 3:12 is (for example).

  • E.D. What a bitter angry young man… Someone didn’t get enough hugs when he was little, methinks. Despite that; I say keep posting! you’re one of the most entertaining racists I ever read. I can’t wait until you grow up though. That is going to be one helluva
    long term, psych. therapy needing,
    serious mid-life crisis,
    caught in diapers with hookers in leather,
    then arrested and man raped,
    divorced and
    AA attendee…
    nervous breakdown that you are facing

  • AlaskanInfidel

    ED When you defend islam you defend pedophilia and bestiality…twit.
    The word bigot has more than one meaning you idiot.

    Bigot…NOUN: One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    I’d say that the definition fits you to a “T”.
    And if you read my posts again you’ll find that I condemned the murder of innocents…twit.
    I’m done here. (I SWEAR!)…heh..

    Bring your sorry arguments and BS over to Jihadwatch where this discussion belongs and I will be happy to kick your ignorant ass all over that blog.
    In the meantime…Piss off.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    This is islam…

    Child Bride Dies After Sex Organs Rupture

    A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced into marriage died five days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and hemorrhaging, a local rights organization said Thursday.

    The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen, which has a strong tribal structure.

    The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case of the country’s “brides of death,” many of whom were married off even before puberty.

    Controversy heightened in Yemen recently over a law banning child marriage in the impoverished country through setting a minimum age of 17 for women and 18 for men.

    Thousands of conservative women demonstrated outside parliament last month, answering a call by Islamist parties opposing the law.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    4) You want to rescue some Arabs, go to a mosque and say this shit, then upload a picture of your battered and bloody face for me to laugh at least the stupid little twit acknowledges that muslims are violent.

    He still hasn’t figured out that not all muslims are “Arabs”…or that “muslim” isn’t a race…it’s a religion.

  • AI,
    ruptured sex organs. What a horrible way to go. If only those burkas zipped up they would make a great disposable trash bag.

  • Endersdragon

    Alaskan and Robb… your are still not getting me, I not saying Muslims haven’t done evil things, I am saying white Christians (like myself, so there goes that bigot arguement) have done evil shit too. BTW Christians can be violent too, go to a Texas church and say anything against the Christian religion and your likely to get shot. Look at abortion center bombings for proof they can get violent too.

    Beyond that, how many sex abuse scandels is the Catholic church up too? Oh wait… I can’t bring those up can I. And I know that Muslim is a religion, but a good deal of Arabs belong to it. So what? That doesn’t make you any less of a bigot. But I suppose yes, I am a racist bigot against my own for think that whites and Christians can do wrong too. Oh well, whatever.

  • Now… E.D. Don’t go getting your panties all in a bunch. Despite the fact that you’ve swerved the blog so many times you should be pulled over and given a sobriety test, what we have here, really, is two opinions. Your opinion that’s been around long enough to embolden terrorists in recent years and ours… Which tends to make them STFU and GTFO for decades… Our opinion is proactive and in keeping with nature and the safety of normal, rational people of all creeds; and your opinion which is… Well… Just gay. There. I guess you’re still wrong, but I wanted to make sure you can remember why after all this time. There is a lot of scrolling going on to look back over the posts and with that limp wrist you got, I don’t want you to sprain anything…

  • Endersdragon

    So… rational Muslims think that all Muslims are evil terrorists like Alaskan seems to believe… right… Oh well have fun at your clan meeting :).

  • OMG. I think you must be illiterate. Pat, AI, etc. What we have here is a classic example of “…you can’t fix stupid.” dammit… I know better too.

  • Endersdragon

    Okay then, I am illterate, you guys are fucked up bigots. You have no problem with the Russians killing 25,000 civilians. I am sorry I WILL NOT understand that. You seem to be mostly rational, but your sticking up for AI who is basically saying Muslims are all evil and you have no problem with Putin going into Chechnya for a genocide according to the genocide convention of 1948. I am sorry thats messed up.

  • Endersdragon

    P.S. Trying to make sense of your next to last post again. All I get from it is I have a gay opinion (oh well) and I embolden terrorists by thinking genocide is bad and thats its being done in Russia today. Care to explain a bit more how my opinion is gay and how your not just bigots?

  • Explain it again?!?! No… Obviously you think everyone is a bigotted neaderthal for wanting to kill terrorists. You. are. Incapable. of. grasping. Anything. else. Good luck with that. In sum:
    There’s Pat and me and AlaskanInfidel and my wife and her friends and everyone in the UK, Germany and the rest of the European Union, your Mom and Dad; your neighbors cat, everyone who has been called home from this mortal coil; and those that are yet to be born… Your neighbors and everyone in the PTA; the kids at the local Rec. Center

    …and then there’s… Youuuuuu…

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