
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Land of Chinese Dwarves

Land of Chinese Dwarves, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

I’m saving my money beginning NOW and you should too so you can book travel to China to see the “Little People’s Kingdom of Dwarves,” a Chinese theme park that employs only midgets. They live in hilltop crooked houses and sing and dance for the tourists. I hear they even have vending machines where you can buy handfuls of miniature biscuits that you can throw at them as payment for their adorable antics!

From Reuters here:

Sitting in a valley in southwest China sits an unlikely and controversial theme park — the Little People’s Kingdom of dwarfs.

Here, dwarfs perform in fairytale costumes for tourists. For many of the employees, the park is a rare opportunity to find work. The park, near Kunming city in Yunnan province, employs 108 dwarfs from across the country, who twice daily gather on an artificial hillside to dance and sing for tourists.

As well as a host of dwarf guardian angels, the fantasy world has a king, an army, a health department and even its own foreign ministry, and all must pretend to live in a miniature hilltop village of crooked little houses.

For 80 yuan ($11.72) — not a small sum in China — tourists can watch skits, sentimental group dances and acrobatics.

The show’s centerpiece, a farcical rendition of Swan Lake, sees performers both male and female dressed in pink tutus and pretending to be little swans.

While the venture is yet to make a profit, the owner hopes the number of performers employed will grow to around 1,000 within a few years. One day, the navy will have its own reservoir, the infantry a railroad, the air force a cable car, and the foreign ministry employees will serve as tour guides.

I don’t think they have a retirement plan. They probably just get fed to the lions at the local zoo. Don’t boo that, they aren’t human anyways, or at the very least they don’t vote, not because they are all a bunch of miniature commies, but because they couldn’t reach the levers in a voting booth.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Land of Chinese Dwarves

  • I thought all Asians were midgets! That and bad drivers, but awesome at Math!!

  • That’s funny. If it weren’t for the insanely long flight… I’d go with you! You’ve gotta post youtubes of the vac.!!! 😉

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