
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CybergayPoliticsStupid People

Harvey Milk Should Have Drank the Kool-Aid

Sean Penn, a rotted moonbat leftist, played Harvey Milk in the movies, who was also a rotted moonbat leftist, whose reign of self-absorbed faggotry was put to an end when he caught 5 bullets from a fellow politician. Don’t cry for Harvey. He loved Jim Jones, the mass murderer leftist crackpot cult leader of the Peoples’ Temple, who was behind the largest-ever extinction of moonbats in history just a few days before Harvey was extincted.

Had Harvey Milk been in Guyana, he would have helped mix the poison into the kool-aid and would have given the dixie cups to the cutest little white boys.

Proof? Here is a letter he wrote to Jimmy Carter praising the brilliance of the soon-to-be murderer for being such a brilliant leftist, while at the same time, smearing the only whistle-blower who was trying to put a stop to the pending suicide. Milk lovingly wrote of Jim Jones:

Rev. Jones is widely known in the minority communities here and elsewhere as a man of the highest character, who has undertaken constructive remedies for social problems which have been amazing in their scope and effectiveness. He is also highly regarded amongst church, labor, and civic leaders of a wide range of political persuasions. Our own Board of Supervisors has presented Rev. Jones with a Certificate of Honor, unanimously passed by all members, praising the church for its many projects “which have been so beneficial to all the citizens of the Bay Area.” On the same occasion, he was also presented with a unanimously passed resolution by a Republican State Senator, Milton Marks representing that legislative body.

Funny, I don’t think Harvey’s support of the Reverend Jim Jones made it into the movie, but then again, I wouldn’t know ’cause I don’t watch Sean Penn movies. thanks to Moonbattery for the link.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Harvey Milk Should Have Drank the Kool-Aid

  • Bhattacharya

    Harvey Bernard Milk was a despicable homosexual coward who in 1964 committed statutory rape on a teenage boy (the boy committed suicide i 1980) but H.B. Milk was never prosecuted for it. Harvey Bernard Milk should’ve been convicted & jailed for felony statutory rape in 1964 & lost his right to vote. Harvey B. Milk being dead since 11/27/1978 won’t be able to homosexually statutorily rape any more teen boys. With Harvey B. Milk homosexual/lesbian groups such as Laramie Project, Shepard Foundation’s Executive President Jason Christopher Marsden and Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt of Big Island Chronicle all see nothing wrong with Harvey B. Milk committing homosexual statutory rape on a 16 year old boy and there’s a holiday after him in California. Harvey Bernard Milk committed homosexual statutory rape on a 16 year old boy in 1964 for which the California legal system didn’t prosecute him for and Harvey B. Milk in 1978 should‘ve been a convicted felon.

    As you know the man who killed Harvey B. Milk was Daniel James White. Daniel James (DJ) White was a decorated Vietnam War Veteran who served in the San Francisco Police & Fire Department. DJ White once saved the life of a woman & her baby from a burning building when he was a fireman. DJ White also shot and killed then SF Mayor George R. Moscone and George R. Moscone used to be a defense lawyer-yes people innocent or guilty of crimes have a right to have a lawyer defend them but while G.R. Moscone was trying to free people who committed crimes including violent 1s, D.J. White was trying to put them in jail. I agree with the Manslaughter verdict in the 1979 murder trial after DJ White’s lawyers argued Twinkie Defense and he was convicted of Manslaughter instead of Murder 1.

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