
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligiongayPoliticsStupid People

Eco-Worship Makes Men Weep Like Little Girls

I have been saying for a long time now that Global Warming zealots have merely replaced organized Christianity with worship of the planet. They have kept all of the Christian tenets, but none of the Christ. Instead of sin there is a carbon footprint. You don’t repent, you recycle. You don’t become born again, you achieve sustainability. Behold below as Bill McKibben weeps uncontrollably about the eco-sins of the world. I bet he had snot bubbles too.

From the WonkRoom:

This afternoon I sobbed for an hour, and I’m still choking a little. I got to Copenhagen’s main Lutheran Cathedral just before the start of a special service designed to mark the conference underway for the next week. It was jammed, but I squeezed into a chair near the corner. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, gave the sermon; Desmond Tutu read the Psalm. Both were wonderful.

But my tears started before anyone said a word. As the service started, dozens choristers from around the world carried three things down the aisle and to the altar: pieces of dead coral bleached by hot ocean temperatures; stones uncovered by retreating glaciers; and small, shriveled ears of corn from drought-stricken parts of Africa.

So now you have your eco-religious artifacts- instead of incense or holy water you have dead coral and shriveled ears of corn. What a laff riot! And don’t you just want to slap this blubbering ninny?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Eco-Worship Makes Men Weep Like Little Girls

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Wotta twit. Another sheep to be shorn.

  • I vote for gender reassignment…

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