
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Remember Slavery and the Civil Rights Votes?

Harry Reid is the most dour old crank in the US Senate, and he is also in charge. Today he said that opponents of ObamaCare used the same delaying tactics of urging Senators to wait on a vote- the same tactics used by opponents of ending slavery, and the same tactics used by those that opposed granting the civil rights to blacks. If my history is correct, wasn’t it Democrats that opposed ending slavery? Wasn’t it Democrats that opposed the civil rights laws? I think Democrats have it wrong now too of course.

HotAir has more on Dirty Harry’s own fights for re-election in his home state of Nevada.

FoxNews says:

It was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Remember Slavery and the Civil Rights Votes?

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Hmmm…didn’t the Democrats create the KKK to keep Blacks in line? Why yes they did. Yet, the way history is being rewritten, it would seem that Conservatives…Republicans have been the party of racism all along.
    Just goes to show…tell a lie often enough…

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